Friday, 13 April 2018

Cheat Codes Of Max Payne 2

Cheat Codes Of Max Payne 2

cheat mode:

This is the easiest way to activate the cheat mode. On your desk, it must be a
Max Payne 2 shortcut, (right) click on the shortcut and then click Properties.
In the box (objective) the goal of the shortcut will be written.
For example, "C: \ Program Files \ Max Payne 2.exe".
Write developer after exe, for example
"C: \ Program Files \ Max Payne 2.exe (space) -developer". Then click on (OK).

After doing this, start the game, select the level you want. After you start
press (~). In the lower left corner, a sign that looks like
this (>). Enter any trick you want. Some letters will appear, but
no problem. Just keep pressing (~) until it disappears.

Result code
clear - Clear the console screen
clr - Clear the console screen
encoder - God mode, all weapons, health, infinite ammunition
God - God mode
mortal - deactivate the God mode
getallweapons - Get all weapons
give up smoking
showfps - Shows the speed of fps
showextendedfps - Shows the extended fps speed
getberetta - Get beretta with 1000 ammunition
getbullettime - Put the player in bullettime
getcoltcommando - Get coltcomando with 1000 ammunition
getdeserteagle - Get Desert Eagle with 1000 ammunition
getdragunov - Get Dragunov with 1000 ammunition
getgraphicsnovelpart1 - Complete part of the story
getgraphicsnovelpart2 - Complete part of the story
getgraphicsnovelpart3 - Complete part of the story
gethealth - Get 1000 health
getingram - Get Ingram with 1000 ammunition
getkalashnikov - Get Kalashnikov with 1000 ammunition
getmolotov - Get Molotov cocktail with 1000 ammunition
getmp5 - Get MP5 with 1000 ammunition
getpainkillers - Get 1000 painkillers
getpumpshotgun: get the pumping gun with 1000 ammunition
getsawedshotgun: take out a shotgun with ammunition of 1000 ammunition
getsniper - Get sniper weapon with 1000 ammunition
gettriker: get a gun with 1000 ammunition
jump10 - Jump 10 high
jump20 - Jump 20 high
jump30 - Jump 30 high
showhud - Turn on HUD
help - Much more debugging commands

cheat mode:

This is the easiest way to activate the cheat mode. On your desk, it must be a
Max Payne 2 shortcut, (right) click on the shortcut and then click Properties.
In the box (objective) the goal of the shortcut will be written.
For example, "C: \ Program Files \ Max Payne 2.exe".
Write developer after exe, for example
"C: \ Program Files \ Max Payne 2.exe (space) -developer". Then click on (OK).

After doing this, start the game, select the level you want. After you start
press (~). In the lower left corner, a sign that looks like
this (>). Enter any trick you want. Some letters will appear, but
no problem. Just keep pressing (~) until it disappears.

Naked Mona:
Start the game with the command line parameter -developerkeys. Start the game,
then press [Page Down] or [Page Down] to cycle character models until they reach
one from Mona Sax as it appeared when I was in the shower.

Special ending
Successfully complete the game in Dead On Arrival mode.

Monument of the apartment:
During the level where you have to find a member of the inner circle in a fantasy
apartment complex, go to the part where two cleaners are outside the window in the
elevator. Kill them both and jump from the ledge to the ledge until you reach the bottom.
Run along the edge of the building until you hear a burst of shotgun from inside
and see someone flying through a window. Kill the cleaner in your apartment, but do it
Do not enter. Continue along the edge of the building a little more and you will find
an open window. Inside, it is a monument for someone.

Theme song:
Play the piano with the corpse on top. Max will try to reproduce his theme

Secret Memorial:

In Part 1, Chapter 7, there is a secret room on the outside of the building. At
the lower shelf, you will see a pipe blocking a section of the ledge that leads
away from an open window. Follow this ledge (jumping over the pipe) around the
secret room. This room contains a monument to a fallen developer.

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