Cheat Codes Of Grand Theft Auto SanAndreas
Cheat Code And Effect of the code:
MUNASEF - Adrenaline Mode
YLTEICZ - Aggressive controllers
COXEFGU - All cars have nitro
ZEIIVG - All green lights
XJVSNAJ - Always midnight
CIKGCGX - Party on the beach
IOWDLAC - Traffic black
CPKTNWT - Explode all cars
AFSNMSMW - Boats fly
BSXSGGC: cars float when hit
RIPAZHA - Cars Fly
ASNAEB - Clear desired level
BMTPWHR - Field vehicles and Peds, Get Born 2 Truck Outfit
ASBHGRB - Elvis is everywhere
FOOOXFT: everyone is armed
YSOHNUL - Fastest watch
PPGWJHT - Fastest game
CFVFGMJ - Foggy weather
OUIQDMW - Full weapon aiming while driving
PRIEBJ - Funhouse theme
MROEMZH - Gang members everywhere
MROEMZH - Gangs control the streets
BAGOWPG: have a reward in your head
YECGAA - Have Jetpack
AIYPWZQP - Have a parachute
HESOYAM - Health, Armor, $ 250k
NCSGDAG - Hitman in all weapons statistics
JHJOECW - Huge Bunny Hop
OSRBLHH - Increase the desired level of two stars
WANRLTW - Infinite ammunition, without recharging
BAGUVIX - Infinite Health
CVWKXAM - Infinite oxygen
XICWMD - Invisible car
JYSDSOD - Max Muscle
OGXSDAG - Maximum respect
EHIBXQS - Max Sex Appeal
LFGMHAL - Mega Jump
IAVENJQ - Mega Punch
AEDUWNV - Never be hungry
AEZAKMI - I never wanted
AFPHULTL - Ninja Theme
OFVIAC - Orange Sky 21:00
ALNSFMZO - Cloudy weather
AJLOJYQY - The Peds attack each other, get a golf club
BGLUAWML - Peds attack you with weapons, rocket launchers
PGGOMOY - Perfect handling
LLQPFBN - Pink traffic
AUIFRVQS - Rainy weather
SJMAHPE - Recruit anyone (9 mm)
ZSOXFSQ - Recruit Anyone (Rockets)
THGLOJ: reduced traffic
IOJUFZN - Anti-riot mode
CWJXUOC - Sandstorm
LJSPQK - Six stars Desired level
KVGYZQK - Skinny
LIYOAYAY - Slower game
BEKKNQV - Whore Magnet
JCNRUAD - Smash n 'Boom
CQZIJMB - Spawn Bloodring Banger
RZHSUEW - Spawn Caddy
EEGCYXT - Spawn Dozer
OHDUDE - Spawn Hunter
JUMPJET - Spawn Hydra
AGBDLCID - Spawn Monster
AKJJYGLC - Spawn Quad
PDNEJOH - Spawn Racecar
VPJTQWV - Spawn Racecar
JQNTDMH - Spawn Rancher
AIWPRTON - Spawn Rhino
AQTBCODX - Spawn Romero
KRIJEBR - Spawn Stretch
URKQSRK - Spawn stunt plane
AMOMHRER - Spawn tanker truck
UBHYZHQ - Spawn Trashmaster
KGGGDKP - Spawn Vortex Hovercraft
SZCMAWO - Suicide
AFZLLQLL - Sunny Weather
VKYPQCF - Taxis has Nitrous, L3 Bunny Hop
BGKGTJH - Traffic is cheap cars
FVTMNBZ - Traffic is vehicles of the country
GUSNHDE: traffic is fast
ICIKPYH - Very sunny weather
LXGIWYL - Weapon Set 1, Thug's Tools
KJKSZPJ - Arma Set 2, professional tools
UZUMYMW - Set of weapons 3, tools of Nutter
YECGAAG - has jetpack
Ghosttown: reduced traffic
fullclip - unlimited ammo
crazytown - theme of fun house
bubblecars - cars float when hit
vrockpocky - breeds a car
stinglikeabee - mega punch
professionalkit - professional tools
speedfreak - all cars have nitro
allcarsgoboom - exploit all cars
monster - beget a monster truck
Proven educational skills: no police
ninjahood - ninja theme
Testeducationalkills - never wanted
Kangroo - have a higher jump
hesoyam - has a money $ 25000
yecgaa - jetpack
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